So, I am sitting reading one of my pregnancy books, (mind you I am in one of the later chapters regarding the hospital and delivery stage) and all of a sudden I start feeling my heart racing and getting really dizzy. I was so into it, I think I was starting to panic a little internally with all of the information (much of which, I might add would be TMI for this blog or even my husband for that matter). I have to laugh at myself a little after the fact because up till now I have considered myself to be pretty laid back when it comes to this pregnancy and really don't let myself get flustered. I am thinking that maybe I will take a breather from the research for a day or so and put the books down.
You are so cute!!! You are going to be a natural I can feel it :)!!! Everyone gets nervous though so at least your in the norm!!!
Just wait, everyone you meet will tell you their "horror stories" from labor. I never understood why they did that when they could see I was about to pop! I will tell you that for me it was easy and no big deal. You will be SO fine! The books are great for info but yes, sometimes it is nice to take a break and just enjoy. Let me know when you are in AZ next so we can meet up!!
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