Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where does Jelly come from?

So last night, we are going about our usual bedtime routine: Aiden is drinking his bedtime bottle, watching SpongeBob with Jeff and I on the couch. In this particular episode, SpongeBob is catching jellyfish, and squeezing a purple substance from their bubble into a jar, in order to make his Jellyfish Jam. Jeff looks at me out of the corner of his eye, a little hesitant and says:

"What? Jelly comes from jelly fish?"

I looked at Aiden, opened my eyes real wide, looked back at Jeff and started laughing uncontrollably. Poor Jeff....I said, "No babe, jelly does not come from jelly fish."

He gave me kind of a scowl and goes, "Well, they shouldn't do that, they are going to confuse the kids."

I laughed so hard I almost peed.

Bless his heart. My husband is an incredibly intelligent human being, his questions often just flow faster than the time he uses to think them through. For these funny moments I am eternally grateful. I love you Jeff.

1 comment:

BellaDaddy said...

LMAO! LOVED this post. Wanna confuse Jeff even more? Tell him to ponder this Vince-ism: "What other cartoon character do you know that is an absorbent sponge, living in a Bikini Bottom?" ROFLMAO
