Monday, February 1, 2010

Bye-Bye Curls

It was time. Aiden got called a girl AGAIN on Saturday. I looked at him and sadly realized that the long hair had to go. Both Aiden and Jeff got their curls cut off last night at the Salon de Stacy. I have been cutting Jeff's hair for the last 6 months or so, and I have to say, my skills are to the point that I am considering charging next time. Kidding....only about the charging.... Aiden wasn't the ideal client, however, after some assistance from Jeff, we got it done.


BellaDaddy said...

Sweet...I know, those cuts can be so trauma/drama...good for you!

Can you come cut my hair, please?


Libby Barbee said...

Some people are such DUMBA$$ES!!! Aiden probably had on blue, green, camo, something very boyish right?!?!? Every once in a while someone mistakes Delaney (wearing pink or purple) as a boy. GRRR!!! Aiden is SO HANDSOME, love the new cut. Good for you cutting your boys hair!!!

The Brown Family said...

love it! he looks like such a little man. I miss trav's curls too, but it was time. oh yeah, one time holly had on a blue BOW and an old lady called her a boy. UM, do boys wear bows AT ALL...even if they are blue! People are so funny!