Thursday, February 25, 2010

Entering Month SIX

22 weeks:

Yes, it's OK to laugh at me for sitting in my bathroom and taking self portraits. I admit, I feel quite ridiculous doing it, but I know that someday, I will be glad that I am able to show Harper how she was once in my belly. I go back and forth with getting professional maternity pictures taken. I think they are beautiful, and they would be nice to have, but it's not like this is something that you put up on your living room wall for all to see. Too weird for me. So for now, this is how we will document.

On the plus side, my outward growth is developing at a much slower pace than it was previously. On the minus side, I am gradually starting to feel like I want to eat everything in sight. This urge I am trying to keep under wraps, considering I still have a little under 4 months left.

In about a week we Jeff will start painting Harper's room. Pray for him, as he will be helping me decide on exactly what shade of PINK the room will be. Trust me, I would like to go ahead and do this all myself, however, it's not recommended that I breathe in too many paint fumes. Delegating is not an easy task for me...

I do feel great at this point in the pregnancy. The headaches have pretty much subsided, the nausea is easily cured with a little club soda, and my energy level is good. It is funny how much faster this pregnancy seems to be going. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I am a little pre-occupied chasing around a very busy 15 month old. Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Marianne said...

You are an insanely cute pregnant lady!!! I hope everything is going smoothly for you!

BellaDaddy said...

OMG...seriously, Marianne is are one of THE most beautiful pregnant women I have EVER seen...and yeah, I have seen a good deal of them LOL


Prayers for Jeff! HA!

Katie said...

You look so beautiful and I LOVE your belly! I hope I look that good when I get pregnant :)

The Brown Family said...

so jealous of your skinny self and cute little bump! Harper is going to be so cute! Your pregnancy does seem to be going fast...mine, however, slow!! I am actually starting to panic a little and feel major nesting coming on! I have a lot to do and about 7 weeks to do it!

Mrs. Mausbach said...

You look so beautiful! All belly!! LOVE her name (especially the middle :) ). You are going to be a great mom of two!! You will learn to love ALL of the pink, tutu's, and hair bows. (Not all tutu's have to be pink. Jenna has a green one that is absolutely adorable... although she prefers her pink one!) Your heart will melt when one day you walk into her room, playing dress up (in her tutu) and pretending to put on makeup. It's a wonderful feeling, how much mommies influence their little girls :) Sorry about the novel... Just super happy for you!!

SurprisedMom said...

I don't remember being this gorgeous when I was pregnant the first or second time. It sounds like you are having a great pregnancy. Good for you!

Mrs.Lemon said...

Thank you guys for all the extremely kind comments. This made my week!

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

Stacy! You look amazing!!