Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yep, Still Pregnant

Today I have officially started my first "maybe this isn't so much fun" day of my third trimester.

I have never had trouble sleeping. Ever. Now even though I'm exhausted I lay there with my eyes wide open. Every time I need to change positions I grunt and exhale as if I were performing a task for the Olympics.

Some days my anger goes from zero to 800 in no time at all. I'm pretty sure my husband is expecting my head to begin spinning around any time now. God bless him, seriously. Here is the exchange of emails between us this afternoon. I was joking....kind of.

Jeff: If you are in a bad mood, please try not to take it out on me. It is not fair -thank you.

Me: Please excuse me for the nauseating, exhausting, and debilitating effect that has overtaken my body and which I'm not fully prepared to deal with or explain; whatever control you may have demanded of my irritability level before this pregnancy is no longer a concern of mine and, until you become pregnant and face the discomfort I'm currently dealing with, the propriety of my behavior is not up for discussion.

Yes, I apologized about 10 minutes later as I am still sane enough to know better.

Yes, I am cranky but also still elated. Aiden is moving so much that my whole belly moves. I just lay there and watch him. I will certainly miss this aspect after he is born. Jeff and I are trying to get post-able video of this, it's really crazy to watch.

Still, despite the being uncomfortable, the beginning stages of waddling and general crankiness, I consider myself truly blessed for so many reasons, my understanding husband being at the top of that list. Love you honey :)


Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

Hang in there! I promise you will make it to the end.. I think the sleep deprevation is just preparing you for what is to come when little Aiden arrives :) I love reading your blog.. it always makes me giggle!!!

The Brown Family said...

the crazy thing is....shortly after you have him you will forget about all of the miseries of pregnancy. it really is crazy how we forget and do it again. don't feel bad about complaining...every pregnant woman is miserable in some way or another, even if they keep it a secret! not too much longer! he'll be worth it :-).