Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Boy, they weren't kidding about what a PAIN (literally) this stage is. My poor baby....in the evenings especially, he is just miserable. Our only saving grace is Infant Tylenol (which isn't really my first choice to give so often) and another small miracle by the name of Hyland's Teething Tablets. After 3 long days, I think I have a pretty good grasp on what helps him out, as he was able to sleep from 7:00 pm to 4:00 am last night. This is opposed to the waking, LITERALLY every hour on the hour the night before.

Any moms or dads with teething issues, if you haven't already found these please take note of this product.

You can just imagine my joy when I discovered that this whole teething thing can last up to 2 months for just the first couple teeth. Trying my best to find the humor in this, if there is any......


The Brown Family said...

I think Trav has just started teething too. Not fun! My happy all the time baby is now having fussy moments. I feel so bad for him! The teething tablets are awesome, and when it gets really bad I go for Infants Motrin. Poor little guys!

BellaDaddy said...

BINGO! Those teething tablets are wondrous...still are (wink)