Tuesday, June 9, 2009

SEVEN months

"I drool because of these...."

"gimme this thing so I can put it in my mouth...."

"what do these dumb signs say anyway?"

"oh yeah, can't read yet....."

What I am doing:

* I sleep from about 7-7:30pm - 7-7:30am (mommy waited 7 months for this)
* I eat 3 meals of solids per day now (plus 5 oz bottles every 3 hours)
* I love Spongebob Squarepants cartoons
* I'm not crawling yet, but I intend on being able to very shortly
* I can sit in my very own highchair at restaurants now
* My favorite song is the ABC song, I am mesmerized anytime anyone sings it


Unknown said...

He is getting so big!!!! Hes adorable though such a happy little guy!

BellaDaddy said...

omg! Bella LOVED, (still does) THE ABC song! Aiden is such a cool dude-kid!