Thursday, June 4, 2009

Momnesia Alert!

Definition 1 ~ a mysterious disease in which a woman forgets all about the discomforts of pregnancy, the pain of delivery, and the complete sleep deprivation of the postpartum period. Momnesia is often found in conjunction with Baby Fever, another serious disease in which women become obsessed with babies.

Definition 2 ~ lifestyle changes a woman goes through after having children including sleeplessness, memory lapses, hormone changes, stress and an overall mental “fuzziness”.

I have this. I am showing alarming symptoms of this disease in both categories.

In relation to definition 1: I often times catch myself thinking about baby #2. What will I name him or her? What will he or she look like? What if it's twins? I even have the tandem stroller picked out that I will be purchasing. The real question is, what is wrong with me????
Baby #1 is not even 7 months old. He still wakes me up all the time, still is solely drinking breast milk with an occasional bottle of formula, and generally requires my attention 7 out of the 8 hours he is awake in a day. And how could I forget, I couldn't sit anywhere for more than 15 minutes at a time at the end of my pregnancy. I had to pee every 7 minutes. My throat was constantly awash in stomach acid. A small child was using my internal organs as a punching bag. Shouldn't I just take the time to enjoy him without planning out my next pregnancy? Or at the very least get him drinking from a sippy cup?

In relation to definition 2: I just sat at my desk for literally a good 10 minutes trying to remember if I had pumped twice today or just once so far....I could have sworn that today was Friday....thank goodness my curling iron has the capability to automatically switch off after a certain amount of time, as I forget to do this on a weekly basis.....the other day I stated that Aiden's birthday was 7/11 instead of 11/7.....I even came close to melt-down mode last night when I realized that our TIVO had not recorded the latest episode of "Tori & Dean". And all of this was even after I was lucky enough to get 7 straight hours of sleep the night before.

Quick ladies, put on your face masks.....


BellaDaddy said...

Momnesia...LOVE IT! ONly you will ever know, you and Jeff, when the time is right to have another...but you know, we will be right there, every step of the way ;-)

Tortora Family said...

LOL, I really enjoyed reading that :)

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

you are too cute!! love love love Tori and Dean!!!