Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Fun In The Sun

The days and the nights have been so beautiful up here in Northern, CA lately that we made another trip out to the river last weekend. It was a good thing we did, as it will probably be our last trip for awhile.

The first reason is due to the fact that all of a sudden, the temperatures have jumped up to over 100 degrees (yuck). And two, our weekends are pretty much full from now until the beginning of August. This weekend my parents are visiting (we love having you guys by the way), then next weekend is Fourth of July, the two weekends after that we will be in Cabo, and then the following weekend, Jeff and I are heading to Cincinnati for Megan's wedding!

In Aiden news, he is lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Martz chasing him around during the days this week while we are at work. Little man was tuckered out last night! He was snoring in my arms only 2 minutes into his night-time bottle.
Still no teeth yet, but he is just days away from crawling. He is so cute rocking back and forth on all fours right now. I've got the video camera on standby to make sure and catch him when he figures it out. Time to baby-proof the house!

1 comment:

BellaDaddy said...

DANG! You are looking like ONE HOT MAMA lately..DANG!

Did I say Dang?

Miss ya!