Friday, June 11, 2010

Big Brother

Aiden is adjusting so well to his new baby sister. I am so proud of him. It also hasn't hurt having his favorite playmate, Grandpa here. He calls him "Boppa" and calls Grandma "Ya Ya." So cute. Did I mention he is now sleeping for 12 - 13 hours at night now?


Pam said...

came via belladaddy's blog. congrats on your baby girl! it's amazing how older siblings can take to their baby brother or sister. sometimes my older daughter acts like my youngest daughter's mother lol it's good that harper will have a big brother to look out for her through the years :o)

SurprisedMom said...

These photos of Aiden are absolutely wonderful! The one of Aiden and his "Boppa" just tugs at my heart. So glad Aiden has his favorite "playmate" to hang out with! :)