Saturday, June 19, 2010

Two Weeks Old

The time is just flying. Munchkin is doing so well. She eats like a horse and is such a sweetheart. She only cries when she is hungry or is getting her diaper changed. She has gradually been spending more time awake. I think she was up for a whole 30 minutes straight this morning.

She is about to grow out of her first preemie outfit, and we are moving up in diaper size from the "preemie" to the "newborn". The preemie diapers are SO tiny, I swear they are no bigger than a maxi pad.


BellaDaddy said...

Wow, so fast...two weeks already...and please, wish Daddy Jeff a HUGE Fathers Day Hug from Us X2.

SurprisedMom said...

She is absolutely adorable. Glad she's staying awake longer so you can enjoy her more. Hope you're feeling good, too.