Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Doesn't look too bad....

Then WHOA! She's falling over the sides of my jeans.....

-How far along? 36 weeks.

-How big is baby? almost 6 pounds and about 18 1/2 inches.

-Weight gain: 20 lbs total.

-Stretch marks? not yet.

-Sleep? all things considered, I am pleased with the amount I am getting. I am currently sleeping with 5 pillows to support this belly.

-Best moment this week? realizing that she actually will make it to the full term mark (next Wednesday).

-Movement? yes. she has been doing a lot of what they call "practice breathing". It was scary for me at first because I never really noticed it with Aiden. He just had hiccups all the time. But when her back is against the front of my belly, her chest will move up and down in a smooth, rhythmic motion. She will do this for about 30 seconds. It looks like she is doing push-ups in there.

-Food cravings? none really.

-Labor signs? no, not even any Braxton Hicks.

-What I miss? energy.

-What I am looking forward to? holding my little girl in 3 weeks from today!

Harper must have gotten the memo because she has stayed quiet. It looks like she will make it to 37 weeks (considered full term) after all! I cannot tell you how relieved this makes me. I was so worried for awhile that she would come way too early and have to spend some time in the NICU.

1 comment:

BellaDaddy said..., er, ahem, uh, WOW...All I can say for now is, (yup, you guessed it)...WOW