Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sicky Poo

Today was not a fun day for little man. He was sick all day with the flu. No fever, but was throwing up and very lethargic. After the doctor, we cuddled all day while watching cartoons, and he proceeded to puke on me numerous times. The poor thing was so miserable, but by this evening, he was eating again. We will keep our fingers crossed that he will be better in the morning.

Bless his heart, after the first time he puked, he looked up at me and said "Oh, man." Talk about tugging on your heart strings.


Michaela Lopez said...

Oh man that breaks my heart he looks so pitiful. Poor thing I hope he feels better.

Libby Barbee said...

Poor little guy :( I hope he is better in the morning.

Unknown said...

oh no, I hope he feels better soon. He just looks so sad in those photos :(.