Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pain In The Neck

I would like to apologize in advance for my lack of blog enthusiasm lately, and possibly in the near future. I have been battling a severely sore neck for the past 2 weeks or so. I wish I could tell you what happened, but nothing really did. I woke up one morning and it was very stiff, from there it pretty much progressed into a lot of nerve pain and inflammation. Most mornings it is a challenge to do much of anything with my right arm. I have tried Tylenol, heating pad, ice pack, massages, stretching, hot showers, changing sleeping positions (ha, like there are many options at this point) - literally, I have tried everything. Let me also tell you that I am no wuss, but this HURTS. Like tear-inducing hurts.

At my most recent pre-natal appointment I brought it up to my doctor and he chalked it up to being pregnant and explained how the hormones effect your muscles, and ligaments. I think I gave him a blank stare like, "OK great, so what now?" I have since then seen a physical therapist. She checked me out and told me that everything that she would normally do, she can't since I am pregnant. Anti-Inflammatorys - NO, Electric Muscle Stimulation - NO, Traction - NO. She was feeling around my spine and kept making noises like "oh", "yep", "hmmmm.." Out of frustration, I finally said "OK, can you stop making those noises, and tell me what options I do have?" She kindly advised that I can stretch, watch my posture, and ice. So yeah, I'm thrilled to say the least and my attitude often sucks.


Libby Barbee said...

I am sorry =( Have you tried acupuncture??? I am a CRAZY believer in it (I know from experience) so acupuncture is my answer to everything, lol. I hope this pain goes away soon.

lisahix said...

Hey Stace i had that too! I went to a chiropractor. It helped a lot. Also it helped with my hip pain too at night. Getting adjusted was awesome i did it all the way to the end. Up to three times a week if needed. Hope that helps!