Friday, November 21, 2008

Shhhh, Don't Tell My Husband.......

.....I am in love with another man.

Aiden just loves lounging in our bed in the mornings. He is 2 weeks old today! We took him for his second doctors appointment and her exact words were, "He's perfect". Duh, we are already aware of this.... :) Aiden has gained one pound since his last doctors appointment two weeks ago. He now weighs a whole 7 pounds and 1 ounce. Last night was the third night in a row that he only woke up once! Hey, I am allowed to brag a little, right? Now we just need to keep our fingers crossed that this continues.


The Mausbach Family said...

He IS perfect! 7 lbs. 1 oz.!!! That's still smaller than my girls!! They were 7 10, and 7 12. I'm so glad you and Aiden are doing so great! (Cute story...right now Cadie is still napping and Jenna is sitting in front of her door waiting for her to get a little puppy dog!! She loves to play with Cadie!) Take care.
much love~

Unknown said...

Words can not even describe how cute those pictures are!!! He gets cuter by the day I swear!! Glad things are going to well!!!!

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

aww.... he is just soo darn cute! you guys are making me have the baby itch.. I just wish I could hold him and snuggle him!