Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scary Situation

So, I am sure this will not be the last time that Aiden will do something to scare the you-know-what out of me, but it was definitely the first.

Last night, Jeff, Aiden and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. Aiden was snuggled up in my arms, sleeping. He started to make moves like he was waking up so I took the blanket off of him and realized that he was sweating profusely. (Mind you all he had on was a onesie and a blanket) Right as I was taken the blanket off, he woke up completely and started screaming. Next thing you know he was white as a ghost, his lips were blue and he threw up. This was all in a 5 second period.

I stood up immediately and put him on his back on the floor. He looked like he was in a daze and I yelled at Jeff that something was wrong. I picked him up again and he was breathing fine, but was really limp. I told Jeff that I thought we should call 911 - I had no idea what was going on. We ended up holding off for a minute and thankfully he regained all of his color and became alert again. For the remainder of the night before bed he seemed like his normal self.

Talk about an instant heart attack!!!!!!! Needless to say, I was still really shook up and was nervous about putting him to bed later that night. He ended up falling asleep and slept for about 4 hour stretches last night. Of course I was up all night checking on him! Then this morning he woke up and was happy as ever.

I talked to the pediatrician and she said that it sounded like this was very likely to be just a one-time thing. It seems that something (probably some spit up) had blocked his airway in his sleep and he didn't realize it at first, and when he did he panicked (like we all would) and that is what caused the vomiting, the sweating and the blue lips. Either way, I can do without that happening again THANKYOUVERYMUCH.


The Brown Family said...

freaky! i am so glad everything is okay. i get so scared with things too...just wait till he starts eating food and chokes! not fun!

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

soo scary!!! I am soo glad it was just a fluke thing and everything seems to a-ok!

Libby said...

how awful!!! i am glad everything turned out ok. i would have FREAKED out!