Monday, December 8, 2008

One Month Already!

As of yesterday, Aiden is already one month old! Everyone told me I would say this but, I can't believe how fast it went!! He is still such a little munchkin though, still not fitting into some of his newborn clothes. His little cheeks are starting to fill out a lot more and he is working on a little double chin.

Here are some pictures from this morning:

On Saturday, we were brave enough to head over to the mall and do some shopping. Jeff really hates the holiday crowds, but I personally think that it's fun. Only 15 more days till Christmas! Aiden of course slept the whole time : )

We also got a special surprise from Grandpa Lemon and Paula. They sent us a web cam, such a great idea! Now that we have set that up we understand what the whole Skyping thing is all about. SO MUCH FUN! I could not believe how clear the video comes through. Thanks guys, really looking forward to using it!

1 comment:

Libby said...

He is so freakin adorable!!! I can't believe it has been a month already, CRAZY!