Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So, tomorrow afternoon I am going to have my wisdom teeth taken out. I am now REALLY regretting not doing this a long time ago. However, it just cannot wait any longer. I was really hoping to hold off until the holidays were over, but a couple nights ago I started getting a horrible toothache and it has just gotten worse and worse. I am actually looking forward to my appointment at this point just to get it over with, and not have the pain anymore. I am hoping for a quick recovery because I still have lots to do before Christmas still!

But on a lighter note, my parents are coming in on Friday night and staying through Christmas. This weekend we are going to drive down to San Fransisco to visit Karen and Kirk. Then next Wednesday, Jeff's mom will be coming in town as well. It is always so nice to spend the holidays with family.
Here are some more pictures of the best Christmas present ever....


Libby said...

Good luck tomorrow!!! You will feel SO much better when it is all done.
I hope Delaney is here before X-Mas. I bet having your little one is the best present ever =)

The Brown Family said...

I finally have my computer back and Aiden is SO cute! Good luck with your wisdom teeth. I am actually going to have to do that early this next year. Not fun!

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

You will do just fine tomorrow... wish you lived in AZ so Jeremy couldn't have hooked you up....wisdom teeth extractions is all Jeremy sees on a Friday :)

dorothy said...

I look forward forward everyday to seening these pictures. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonrderful Christmas,

Cheers and Love,