Friday, November 6, 2009


My sweet little man turns one year old tomorrow. I figured I would post this today since tomorrow we will be too busy celebrating! We are having a Sponge Bob Square Pants party at the house with some friends and family. I just wish everyone was here to celebrate.

Here are the pictures from his 12 month photo shoot. These are the only ones that I have for now, but they were able to crop some and change some to black and white, which really turned out wonderful. He did such a good job.

We go for his one year check up next Tuesday and we will finally be able to see how tall he is and how much he weighs. We are slowly but surely trying to experiment with new foods. Right now he loves Eggo waffles, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, shredded cheese, deli meat, yogurt, grapes, Kix, Cheerios, graham crackers, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and rice. As far as veggies go, he will still eat any of them out of the jar, especially green peas if you can believe that. I don't really care what consistency he chooses, just as long as he gets his veggies.

We are in the process of switching from formula to whole milk, and it seems that he doesn't even notice the difference. Our next task is to stop the bottles and use the Sippy cup. He loves to chew on the spout, but doesn't quite "get it" enough yet to make the switch. I'd be willing to bet that he is in no hurry as he doesn't even really have any interest in holding his own bottle. I personally have learned throughout this short year, that he will do things on his own time, and I am now completely fine with that.

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