Monday, August 30, 2010

So, I had to tell her......

..... that unfortunately we wouldn't be able to spend every single day together anymore.

She understood eventually, and both of us are getting through the day. I promised her that every day would be easier.

Yes, it's back to reality. Today was my first day back to work. I have to be honest, it was not as hard to leave this morning as I thought. I know that both little Munchkins are in good hands and I woke up this morning in a great mood. I was a little panicky when the alarm went off, but it is already 1:00 in the afternoon, I'm off to lunch for an hour, then back until only 4:30.

Right now at this moment, I am feeling so wonderful though. I am so very close to being able to say that I am back to my happy self. I'm sure there is a whole separate post about this coming soon. It feels like it has taken an eternity, and I will never take good days for granted again.

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