Friday, March 13, 2009

Do You Smell That?

OK you all will think I am crazy after I post this one, but I felt like it needed to be shared. I have an issue with smells. Let me explain....

I think that I am one of those people who has a couple of heightened senses. I have always had really good hearing, and a fairly good sniffer. All my life people have made comments like "wow, you heard me say that?" or "I thought you were in the other room when I said that". My parents can account for this ever since I was very little. Now as I have gotten older, I have noticed that I smell things ALL THE TIME. And trust me our personal hygiene is not the issue. Now, as most of you may or may not know, your sense of smell is also very heightened when you get pregnant. This symptom was in full effect for me, however never really went away after Aiden was born. An all to frequent conversation in our household or in the car goes a little something like this.

Me: sniff, sniffff, looking around, " WHAAAAT is that smell?"
Jeff: "Babe, I don't smell anything."
Me: "C'mon Jeff, seriously what IS that?"
Jeff: ::eye roll::

Now presenting the latest and greatest. This my friends is what I refer to as "phantom poo". I smell poo everywhere. This is just not any regular poo smell, it is dirty diapers. I think it is related to being a new mommy. When I am at home, I spend entirely too much time with my nose pressed up against Aiden's pants seeing if he has a dirty diaper. The majority of the time this is not what smells. I don't know where it comes from, it just is there and I can't find it. Even today when I walked back into the office, I smelled dirty diapers, it's all a bit disturbing. Anyone else experience this phenomenon? Tell me I'm not alone.

Is this all in my head? I think some of it, however here is the proof that I am not totally crazy. A few weeks ago, I started smelling syrup, of all things. Syrup ALL the time. After a few days of this going on and accusing Jeff of spilling syrup when he was eating his Eggo's, I thought I was going nuts. Low and behold I come across a little tid bit of information while reading a mommy chat board: One of the side effects of Fenugreek (herb I take to promote milk production) is that it makes YOU, notably, your pits smell of MAPLE SYRUP! You can imagine my relief and horror all at the same time. So, I did the sniff test and sure enough I reeked of syrup. Mystery solved.

Now the poo, I swear it's not me.

1 comment:

BellaDaddy said...

Sweetie, keep sniffing his diapers for the smell, and u r bound to retain it on the tip of your nose...for hours. trust me, this I know and I was never preggers LOL!

Almost 3 years and I STILL have the triple P..."Phantom Poop Psychosis"
