Thursday, September 9, 2010

What I Have Learned......My 22 things.

This list is comprised of what I've learned as a mother through my struggle with PPD, the blessings that come with two under two, and a wonderfully loving husband by my side.

1. Sleep is a precious thing of the past.

2. I am stronger than I think.

3. Don't ever say "My child will never act like that."

4. Laundry can be done tomorrow.

5. Boys love dirt.

6. What works for other families does not necessary work for mine.

7. Time-outs also work for adults.

8. That I truly can be selfless.

9. 'This Little Piggy' always gets a laugh.

10. How to poop with a little person in the room with you.

11. You can never have too many hugs.

12. How to be afraid and proud at the same time.

13. Diaper wipes will clean anything.

14. If you’re gonna cry, don’t hold back.

15. My husband is truly my partner.

16. Nothing is fast anymore.

17. Date nights are a must.

18. The mouth is a third hand.

19. Always bring a snack.

20. I deserve mommy time every once in awhile.

21. Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job EVER.

22. The meaning of life.


Mommy Moreno said...

awwww i looove this!!

The Brown Family said...

all so true!

SurprisedMom said...

I could/can identify with your list. I think I learned all of those things when my girls were your children's ages. Remember to save this list. It's important!