Friday, October 9, 2009


So this should be a fairly simple task. Just get ONE picture of him looking at the camera and smiling. No, not in Aiden's world. As you can see he's WAY too busy to be bothered. These are the best pictures that I could get last night. These are 15 out of an attempted 100 or so. He is so curious about everything. Especially if he see's either Jeff or I with it. He is obsessed with Jeff's phone, and insists on chewing on my purse.

"See ya Pig."

"Ok that was long enough."

"I said enough."

"This is fine with you, right?"

"Here's your picture."

"Did you just say no? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that means."

"Ha! Got his phone."


1 comment:

BellaDaddy said...

WOW WOW WOW, just dealt with our little one turning three....THREE...and here you are...damn, it flies eh?