I am ashamed at my lack of blog posts as of late. I'd like to be able to present you with some glorious reason as to why my blog posts have all but dwindled away, but there's really no good excuse other than I've been busy. I've been at home, at work, at home, back at work, home, work, and then home again. B-O-R-I-N-G.
However, there is some excitement on the horizon. Jeff and Brian will be hanging the flat screen on the wall this weekend as well mounting of all the speakers. I have anxiety just thinking about the two of them cutting and drilling holes into the dry wall. I think I will make myself scarce for this event.
I have also been planning Aiden's birthday festivities that are occurring in 22 days! UGH...I'm not ready for a toddler. Not because of the work, but because I am still in denial that he is growing up. Still working on this.
Oh and we found Aiden's Halloween costume and taught him how to make the noise that needed to accompany it. Just wait for it.
So, see, there's lots that I can post about, I'm just too darn lazy to post about it right now. I mean, busy.
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I promise next week will be more exciting.