Thursday, May 28, 2009

There's No Such Thing As Bad Days

when I come home to this smile.....

Memorial Day Weekend

This past Sunday, a group of us decided that we would leave the babies at home with sitters and spend the day on the river. It's only the 2nd time that we have left Aiden on a weekend day, but he loves Ceci so much that we didn't feel too bad. It was a long full day, but the weather was perfect, plus there was also another reason to celebrate....

As of last Thursday (May 21st), Foamtec has officially been in business for a full year! Things have been going well, even with the down economy. Currently, Jeff is negotiating a contract with a huge online dealer. We will be sure to keep you posted!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

All By Myself

I had to catch some cute pictures of Aiden as he has learned to sit up for long periods of time all by himself. He thinks it's pretty neat, this new trick he learned. Plus, I was able to get him to smile in a few, finally!

I feel like he has changed so much just in the last couple days!!

His smile in this last one cracks me up.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spring Time!

Well here in Northern CA, it has finally warmed up enough to enjoy the weather outside. It is holding pretty steady right now at about 85-90 degrees during the day, and the best part is that it always cools off so nicely at night. I know that you guys in Arizona pretty much feel like you are smack dab in the middle of summer with the 115 degrees. I have to say I don't think that Jeff or I miss that part so much. So I thought I would take this opportunity to rub it in a little. Maybe that will make you come out to visit!

Now that Jeff and I are in a house it is fun for us to be able to host BBQ's on the weekends. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend! Try to stay cool :)

(He obviously didn't really get any sips, he just likes put EVERYTHING in his mouth, including Inge's beer)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

Well, my first Mother's Day was everything I wanted and more. I got to spend the entire weekend with my two favorite guys. On Saturday, we all went to lunch and then Jeff took me to a boutique that is owned by one of his customer's wives. I have to say I got pretty spoiled with the purchases. Then on Sunday we took the boat out to Folsom Lake again. Aiden seemed to really enjoy it, which of course makes Daddy extremely happy. Such a good boater already, and he looks so cute doing it.....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

SIX Months

AHHHHHHHHH! One half a year gone already! We took Aiden for his well-baby doctor visit and the doc said he looked great. He got another vaccination and didn't even cry! She commented again on what a wonderful disposition he had. Of course we had to agree, and are SURE that she doesn't say that to everyone (wink, wink)...

Here are the stats:
26 1/2 inches
Weight: 15 lbs. 14 oz.

He is a little on the "lean" side in relation to his height, but she said he looks fuller than he actually weighs and there was absolutely no reason for concern.

Ya think we've got some dominant Lemon genes up in here or what!? Jeez Louise!!

Aiden fun facts:

*His new thing is "Da Da Da Da." Is he saying daddy? No, but let's roll with it for Jeff's happiness.
* He LOVES his oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes and yellow squash. Carrots and green beans, not so much....
* He still needs mommy-time at least twice a night, however I don't mind, it is snugly time for us that we don't get during the day.
* He will lose all composure should I even consider letting daddy go try to get him back to sleep in the middle of the night. Mommy and only mommy will do for now.
* He loves his baths, he gets this trance-like look on his face every time.
* He is rolling all over the place. Front to back and back to front. He loves that he figured out that he can do this.
* He is very ticklish under his chin, his giggles are getting louder and louder. It is such a contagious sound. He also thinks that sneezes are funny "AH - CHOO!" gets him going every time.
* And this last one, I have to say it, but he is a total mama's boy and I love it.

Everyday with this little guy gets better and better. The time passing makes me cringe because it goes by so fast, but seeing him develop so wonderfully makes those thoughts unimportant. It is in times like these that I am so thankful for everything that we have and make a conscience effort to appreciate every part of every day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Because He's So Cute/Trendy In His ED HARDY

I know, I know, I am late on the 6 month update....I will do it tomorrow. I have writers block today...
Aiden is rolling all over the place right now and he loves his freedom. Time to start baby-proofing!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Roadtrip to Arizona

Wow, what a FUN and BUSY weekend we had! This was obviously our first roadtrip with Aiden and quite honestly he did so well. There was a meltdown or two on Saturday, but who's counting? The poor thing was in the car the day before for 12 hours.

Here's how it all went down.....

Saturday morning: Breakfast with Granpa and Gramma at The Hyatt at Gainey Ranch

Saturday Afternoon: Lunch at Olive & Ivy with friends (thanks for the pics David)

Sunday Morning: Naptime with Grandpa Martz

Sunday Evening: Megan's Bridal Shower

(college roommies)

Sunday Night: Megan's Bachelorette Party

Monday Night/Tuesday Morning: approximately 12:30 am
Never seen anyone so happy to be back home. I think the feeling was mutual all the way around.

PHEW!!! Thank you to all of you who made our trip so incredibly enjoyable. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. Until next time!!